Trinity Leeds

Creating an exciting new shopping experience.


Leah McKerrow
Paul Stewart
Jes Smith
Darran Robinson





Trinity Leeds



One team creating an everyday wonder for customers

The challenge

Our approach

Trinity Leeds
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There is an ON-Brand Partners tool for every people-issue you could face as a manager. Equipping our people to facilitate was great; my team now know how to get the best out of people. This was a real turning point. Dialogue is now part of what we do and embedded into our routines. We have more leaders involved in the process of engaging colleagues: doing huddles across the centre to really get conversations going. Everybody knows that they can speak to anyone at any time - we ‘walk the talk’. Colleagues now see each other as friends who care about one another and want them to do well and succeed. I’ve never seen this type of bond before between supplier and client.

Trinity Leeds

Trinity Leeds logo

The results


Shoppers in the first 8 weeks


Staff turnover first 6 months – 3% (normally up to 20%)


Absenteeism rate 0.12% instead of the typical 5% to 6%

Excited by what we've achieved?

We have deep experience creating value, improving business performance, exciting and engaging people from diverse sectors and organisations worldwide. Let's have a chat to learn about the challenges you are facing.

Let's chat

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